Sunday, November 27, 2011


 My article is an opinion by Jeff Libman from the Chicago tribune. He write about the level of direstpect in chicago class rooms. He starts by criticizing the students by calling them "normal" in their level of respect compared to children in third world countries. That's ironic because we should be expected to be more respectful because fortunate people like us have more resources. His second point is that the school board is demeaning the roles of teachers by a new law requiring them to serve breakfast (thus turning an educator into that of a waiter). Libman also criticizes them by tell the audience about the pay cuts they take and the longer hours they work.  His fourth point is how the principles would recieve a bonus if their school makes it to a certain standard, while the teacher recieve nothing. Not one penny. I think this is unfair. IT's not right that is the kids won't show them respect, the school board won't either...

Friday, November 11, 2011

My opinion

My opinion is that pride parades should be allowed. Although the opposing views do seems surreal (why can't we have a straight pride, and it's occasionally vulgar), it is something that the gay community holds close to it's heart. My father won't let me go to the pride parades for those reasons, and I really want to go. And even though I have never gone I am proud that people like me are able to  show their unity and support for each other. That is really all it is about support and unity. I feel that the people not wanting the parades are also trying to gain unity but what they are fight for is backwards logic. By not allowing pride parades, there would be a huge disconnect between people.